The Teignbridge budget is being prepared. Initial proposals are out for consultation and the final version will be adopted in February.
Teignbridge keeps less than 10 pence in the pound on Council Tax collected with the rest going to Devon County Council, Emergency Services and parish councils.
There have been relentless reductions in central government funding,
e.g. Revenue support grant which used to provide £4.5 million funding for public services is now nil. The recent GE sees that set to continue.
TDC Chief Finance Officer predicts it will no longer be possible to balance the books in 3 years time, unless action is taken now and sustained.
The proposed budget for this year includes a council tax increase of £5 a year for the average Band D household. That’s about 3% or 10p / week.
Staffing restructures and a recent senior management restructure will create budget savings in future years.
TDC is forced to adopt a more commercial approach to the services it provides aimed at generating more income.
The proposal includes Removal of the Rural Aid Grant and a reduction in the councilor’s community fund.
The new Budget will fulfill the manifesto pledge to fund a Climate Change Officer. It will Assign much needed extra resources to planning enforcement. It ensures additional resources for refuse and recycling as demands increase.
We expect no increase in the green waste subscription charge.
The full proposals are on the council website