Using planning to reduce landfill

We are still working to get a policy in the next Teignbridge local plan requiring developers to use cut and fill where possible to accommodate surplus materials on site. This incentive would reduce the need for inert landfill sites which are damaging and unpopular with communities. Developments which ignore this policy and export large quantities with Devon County expected to provide landfill sites, would be more likely to be refused.

A good example of this is the A382 Jetty Marsh link Road in Newton Abbot which Teignbridge recently agreed to partly funding. This is part of a wider strategy to improve the connection from Newton Abbot North to the A38 at Drum bridges. The upgraded link road has good walking and cycling provision helping to join the active travel Network from Newton Abbot towards Dartmoor. Built into this proposal is the use of inert fill material from the adjacent housing development to form the level of the new link road. Just the sort of thing we want to encourage with planning policies.
