I also question the commitment to climate change described in these Tory leaflets. Nationally progress towards the unambitious targets is off course. Energy companies make record profits, and the government minimises their taxes while accepting over £3 million party finding from fossil fuels and climate deniers. I see no Conservative ambition that compares with the Teignbridge comprehensive decarbonisation projects over the last 4 years.
Which brings us to…
Investment in the leisure centres
Tory leaflets claim a lack of investment in the leisure centres. This is simply not true. We have put in place decarbonisation projects included a huge overhaul of the leisure centres, increasing efficiency, and making it easier to keep them going in the energy crisis. Conservative leaflets claim leisure centre footfall has fallen, and Teignmouth lido was closed. It’s surely obvious that was because of the pandemic.
What do the Tories actually do?
Meanwhile what they actually do (as opposed to what they say) is undermine workers’ rights, the right to strike, to vote, to protest, to a fair trial (dismantling legal aid), the list goes on.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership that Anne Marie Morris is so pleased to be joining post Brexit includes “Investor state dispute settlement” (ISDS) allowing international companies to sue our government if we make laws which might damage their profits. For example, a tobacco company challenged Australia’s life-saving tobacco plain packaging legislation using this. Now THAT is selling out our sovereignty.
I am hugely proud of our achievements in TDC in the last 4 years. So let’s hear less false or misleading claims about the Lib Dems, and let’s hear from their candidates why they chose the Conservatives – after all – what were they thinking?